School Bus Accidents, Myers vs. Meyers, and Juvenile Records
Public Records Briefing - Issue #17
We’re here. Another opportunity to brief you on public records. Aren’t you excited? We are! Mostly.
Fun Fact
If you’ve taken any of our classes or read this newsletter often, you’re probably aware that there’s very little you can redact from an initial incident report that police agencies create. While there are a few things that can be redacted, things such as the name of the party involved can almost never be redacted. Almost.
Thanks to a relatively new law, the Ohio General Assembly decided that school children deserve more privacy than other Ohioans. We know one guy who hates these kids. Per the exception in R.C. 149.43(B)(9)(b)(iii), information about minors involved in a school vehicle (e.g., a bus, school van, etc.) accident can be redacted from ANY law enforcement report, including an initial incident report.