Marsy’s Law Updates… And something’s happening in California!
Ohio Public Records Briefing – Issue #40
Marsy’s Law Update #1
A high speed chase on July 6th between Columbus police and three suspects (following a car theft and bank robbery) ended in a deadly shootout that left one suspect dead and an officer critically injured. Following the incident, the Columbus City Attorney's Office and Columbus Division of Police did not identify the eight officers involved, including the injured officer.
The city contends it cannot release the names of the officers under Ohio's “Marsy's Law.” This state constitutional amendment, passed in 2017, combined with a recent law passed in 2023, protects the identity of crime victims on every law enforcement report. While this law is only a few months old, it seems to have come as a surprise to many in the news media that police officers involved in shootings could also benefit from the law, since when a criminal tries to shoot an officer, that officer is a crime victim.
From now on, in officer-involved shootings, the city of Columbus will determine if an officer is a victim of a violent crime. If the officer is deemed a victim, then don't expect Columbus to release the officer's identity anytime soon.
Will this work if a bothered reporter decides to sue over it? Great question! Remember, even smart lawyers don’t know the law on a novel question until a court rules.