Wow. Wow. Wow! If you didn’t see our members-only webinar last Wednesday about the new bombshell case from the Ohio Supreme Court that changes the rules on redacting law enforcement records, you missed a lot! Mark Weaver from our team has been teaching public records law in Ohio for nearly three decades and he described it as one of the biggest changes in the law in a very long time. Let’s put it this way – we’re changing many of the slides in our public records law deck even as you read this!
Here's the case – you should read it – but our webinars and Q & A sessions really help make these court decisions more understandable. If you’re not a member, this new case is just the latest reason to become one.
We have one last edition for you here in 2024. We hope you found this year of the Public Records Briefing helpful AND enjoyable. If you have any feedback on the newsletter, would you reply to this email or comment on this post and let us know? We’re always looking to improve.
We have toys to deliver all around the world, so let’s get to it!